Inbox and Collaboration


The Inbox shows messages sent within the Builder Portal and is accessed by:



In the Inbox screen, the user can view message sent to them via the Builder Portal and compose new messages to other users in the Builder Portal.

Navigating through the Inbox

The left of the screen will display the folder in the Inbox.





To compose a new message:


Option 1 (outside of the Inbox)


  1. Throughout the Builder Portal action items for composing messages is available.
    Click on the icon, ComposeMail.png and a window will display pre filling information in coordination with the corresponding row in which the action item was selected.

  2. Example:
    As a superintendent in the Purchase Order screen, the following message will pre fill the purchasing contact as to whom the message will be sent with the purchase order number in the subject line and more information and link to the purchase order in the Builder Portal in the body of the message.

  3. The user can then add any additional text to the subject and body of the message and any attachments.
    The user can also add additional recipients or remove pre filled recipients.

  4. At this point, the user can then select whether to Save as Draft, Send, or Cancel.


Option 2 (Inside the Inbox screen)


  1. Navigate to the Inbox screen.

  2. Select the button, + New Message. NewMessage.png

  3. A blank message screen will appear, allowing you to input a Builder Portal user in the To: line, a subject, attachments, and a body to the message.

  4. At this point, the user can then select whether to Save as Draft, Send, or Cancel.


To Reply to or Forward a Message:


  1. Select a message in the upper right section.

  2. Below you will be able to read the selected message.

  3. Then on the far right of the message you will have action items, to either Reply, Forward, or Send to Trash.

  4. Select Reply to reply to the send of the message.
    Select Forward to forward the message to another Builder Portal user.


To Mark a Message as Read or Unread:


  1. In the upper right section of the Inbox, locate the message(s) you wish to Mark as Read or Unread.

  2. Check the corresponding checkbox next to the message(s).

  3. Once, checked, select the button Mark as Read or Mark as Unread accordingly.


To Send a Message to the Trash:


Option 1


  1. Select a message in the upper right section.

  2. Below you will be able to read the selected message.

  3. Then on the far right of the message you will have action items, to either Reply, Forward, or Send to Trash.

  4. Select Send to Trash to move the message to the Trash folder.


Option 2


  1. In the upper right section of the Inbox, locate the message(s) you wish to Send to Trash.

  2. Check the corresponding checkbox next to the message(s).

  3. Once, checked, select the button - Send to Trash.


To Delete a Message:


Only messages sent to the trash folder or sent folder can be removed from the Inbox.


  1. In the upper right section of the Trash or Sent folder, locate the message(s) you wish to Remove.

  2. Check the corresponding checkbox next to the message(s).

  3. Once, checked, select the button - Remove.


To Search the Inbox:


In the upper right of the inbox screen is a search field. Type in a key word(s) in which you wish to search by with the desired folder selected on the right.

The results will display below.