Using the VPO List (VPO Users)


The following outlines the functionality a VPO user will have on the VPO List page. For suppliers, please see, Using the VPO List (Suppliers).

The user defined as the VPO Admin within VPO Settings, will see all of the VPOs in the database in any status. In addition the user that created the VPO will always see that VPO. The other users involved in the VPO workflow will only see the VPO when it is pending their approval, see the following chart for more information.




* - Pending approval will be the status if the VPO is assigned to an Approval Level 1 -6 or if an internal approval is pending.

** - Only the Approver Level currently assigned will see the VPO. For example, if Approval Level 1 has approved the VPO, and the VPO is pending approval from Approver Level 2. The user assigned as Approver Level 1 will no longer see the VPO, but the user assigned as Approver Level 2 will see the VPO.

*** - Internal Variance Approval does not have its own status and can happen simultaneously during the Pending Approval and Pending Supplier Response. Once the user assigned as the approver of the particular variance used has approved the VPO, it will no longer display in the list of VPOs.

Note: The Supplier Response, Internal Variance Approval, and Admin Approval are only used in the enhanced VPO workflow.



Using the Filter on the VPO List:


The filter button Filter.png is found in the upper right corner of the VPO List. Once a user selects this, the following options become available. A user can select one or multiple filter options to narrow down -the VPOs to be displayed on the VPO List. Click Apply to apply the filter, or select Clear to clear all filters.


o   All

o   Pending Approval

o   Pending Supplier Response

o   Pending Admin Approval

o   Pending Payment Approval

o   Denied

o   Canceled

o   Closed





Knowing your Action Items:


ViewActivity.png View: When a user clicks on the view action item it will bring up the VPO details, and provide access to the custom fields tab, attachments, and task history for that particular VPO.

 copy.png Copy: When a user clicks on the copy action item, this will copy the VPO, and allow the user to create a new VPO prefilling in the details from the copied VPO. A user can then edit fields of the VPO as needed before creating.

 ComposeMail.png Compose Message: This allows the user to compose a message to another Builder Portal user in regards to the VPO. Providing prefilled information about the selected VPO including a link to the VPO.

 AddVPO.png Add VPO: See Creating a VPO for more details.

 export.png Export: Clicking this button will create a csv file of the VPO list displayed on the VPO screen.

 print.png Print: Clicking this button will produce a printable version of the VPO list from the VPO screen.